Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life

Visitame Donde Estoy! Visit Me Where I am!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rather Than A Poem, A Confession

The way that I love you is in many ways like water.
My love is pure and refreshing.
My love is violent and can sweep anything away in order to get everywhere.
My love can be like an iceberg and can also burn way below its boiling point.

My love for you is like a fruit,
like a million kisses,
like sugar was made out of it,
like candy companies would go out of business
if you were willing to sell your kisses.

My love for you is like words,
they sneak into every part of life,
they define things and explain things,
they make me fly and bring me down.
My love is written in every word of every book in the whole world.

My love for you is both an ocean and a desert.
You leave me breathless and you are my air all at the same time.
You light my days and darken my nights.
I love you both sweet and sour.
I love you both hot and cold.
I love you when I don't want to love you,
and I love you inexplicably when I want to as well.

My love is like a poem that can't be written.
There are no rules, no rhymes,
no hyperboles, metaphors, allegories that could ever be enough.
I would love you if the word love didn't exist.
I would use anything to describe it and it wouldn't be enough.

You are all and nothing in different ways.
You are mine and someone else's in different moments.
All I have is this love,
that bursts with its mightiness
and burns with a passion that cannot quite be called passion.

I love you like there is no future,
like if I was waiting for us to part every minute of every day,
like if I had to love you this much,
with this intensity, because I wouldn't know if you'll be there
the next millisecond.
I love you without intention.
Wishing not to love you is loving you more.
Wishing to leave you is getting closer.

I love you
because without effort
you tore down
everything I thought made me strong.

I love you so much that sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry.
I love you so much that sometimes my heart moves with an uncontrollable laugh.
I love you so much that sometimes my heart hurts like a bullet just entered,
warmed it up and produced nothing more but a terrible pang.

I love you like the word love is not enough.
Te amo con palabras y sin versos.
I don't need words to love you, but I have nothing else to express it.
I don't need anything else to love you,
but I want more.

I am trying to find the place where this love would fit.
The only thing I've known in my life bigger than this love is God,
and baby, that's pretty big.
So to tell you that I love you right second to God,
is telling you in a few words
that I'll never love another man in my whole life, but you....



Ave O Ser Humano/Human Being Or Bird


Qué es lo que tiene el amor que nos hace volar tan pero tan alto a tal punto que nuestra existencia se contradice entre ser humano y ave???


What is it about love that makes us fly so sooooo high to the point that we confuse our existence between being a human being and a bird???

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Volemos/Let's Fly

El mundo es tuyo y mío.
Vamos a volar.
Ya para qué pretender que este amor no nos tiene en el aire?

Necesito volar tomada de tu mano,
porque para qué volar si no estás conmigo?

Sin miedo.
Porque si lo hacemos juntos no nos caeremos.
Pero si volamos separados, nuestra caída será fatal,
y caeremos lejos el uno del otro,
y nuestras manos no podrán sanar las heridas mutuas.

Hombre mío.

El cielo nos espera,
se ha vestido de azul celeste,
las nubes nos han ofrecido un viaje a la luna
y el sol nos está quemando con rayos dulces.

No nos queda más que hacer que volar,
y olvidar cuán gris fue ayer nuestro cielo.
Dibujaremos millones de estrellas en el cielo,
porque las que ya existen no son suficientes
para expresar cuánto nos amamos.

Ya mis palabras han perdido la verguenza,
y a cada instante pretenden enamorarte más.
Aveces con un Te Amo,
un poema, una historia, un chiste.
Ya no saben hablar de otro tema que no sea de tí.

inventemonos palabras nuevas, caricias nuevas
y hagamos todo nuestro mundo perfecto,
semejante a nuestro amor.

Entonces, amor mío, me acompañas en este vuelo?

The world is ours.
Let's fly.
Why pretend that this love doesn't already have us in the air?

I need to fly holding your hand,
why would I fly, then, if you're not with me?

Let's fly.
Because if we do it together, we won't fall.
But if we fly separately, our fall will be fatal,
and we will land away from each other,
unable to let each other's hands heal our wounds.

Man of mine.
Let's fly.

The sky awaits us.
It has dressed itself for us in light blue,
the clouds have offered us a ride to the moon
and the sun burns us with sweet rays.

We have no other choice but to fly.
And forget the gray of yesterday's sky.
We will paint millions of stars above,
because the ones that already exist
are not enough to tell how much we love each other.

My words have no shame,
and they pretend to romance you more everyday.
Sometimes with an I Love You,
a poem, a story, a joke.
They wish to speak of nothing else but you.

Let's fly.
Let's create new words and new ways to caress.
Let's make our whole world perfect,
similar to our love.

So, then, my love, will you join me in this flight?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Little Things/Las Cosas Pequeñas

Link: Little Things

Al final del día son las cosas pequeñas las que nos mantienen conectados. Siempre debemos mirar nuestras vidas de la manera más positiva posible. Debemos de buscar de Dios o cualquier metodo de espiritualidad que funcione con cada persona. En este blog no hablo mucho sobre mis creencias porque es bastante personal para mí. Pero quisiera aclarar que por más fuerte que sean mis creencias no podría privar a una persona de cualquier método espiritual que lo haga vivir una vida más balanceada. Al final del día, cada quien cree lo que quiere creer y vive como quiere vivir. Pero siempre estemos conscientes que nuestra espiritualidad es importante, que las buenas obras son importantes, que los buenos pensamientos son importantes, las buenas relaciones. Mantengámonos conectados con las cosas buenas y nuestras vidas serán mas fáciles de vivir, y haremos las vidas de los demás más fáciles al igual.

Que viva el amor, la paz, la nobleza y la unidad!

At the end of the day the small things are the ones that keep us conected. We should always look at our lives in the most positive way. We should search the face of God or any other method of spirituality that works for each individual. In this blog I don't speak a lot about my beliefs because they are rather personal for me. But I'd like to make clear that for stronger that my beliefs may be, I could never prohibit someone for whatever method of spirituality makes them live a more balanced life. At the end of the day everyone believes what they choose to believe and live their lives the way they want to live it. But we should always be aware that our spirituality is important, that good works are important, that good thoughts are important, good relationships. Let's keep ourselves connected to good things and our lives will be easier to live, and we will make other people's lives easier as well.

To love, peace, humbleness and unity!

Monday, October 19, 2009

For J.....2 Months

No one knows
how love can take you
and make you fly
but us.

No one knows
how unpredictable
and unrestrainable
love is
but us.

Everything in here
speaks volumes
of our union.
The heart sings melodies day and night
and I let him sing.
I tell him: someday, someday.
And he obediently
and patiently
waits for the day
when he can kiss
and love
with all its might.

Happy days go by.
Happy because we know we're still here,
Happy because we know we still love.

And just like it only took two months to fall crazy,
it could only take two months to reunite,
to miss, to speak, to see,
to finally kiss, and live next to the other....

2 Months is my hypothesis.....how about yours?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Este es el post número 100 de este blog!!!

No lo puedo creer! Debo confesar que por un tiempo existió en mí una incredulidad acerca de si podría mantener este espacio abierto y activo sin sentir la tentación de cerrarlo o abandonarlo. Y no ha sucedido! Este blog se ha convertido en algo que simplemente no puedo dejar. Es mi espacio, y sé que por ahí hay muchos que luchan con mantener sus espacios abiertos. La verdad es que podría decir que mi secreto es que me gusta. Me gusta mi blog. Me gusta tal vez más que lo que les gusta a mis lectores. Antes de este tuve otro blog público, pero era como un martirio. Creo que tenía la idea errónea de lo que significaba tener un blog, y además estaba demasiado atenta a la reacción del que leía, tenía mucho en mente lo que el lector pensaría de mí. Ahora, solo tengo lo que quiero ofrecer para ofrecer, exactamente de la manera que lo quiero ofrecer. Sin presión alguna. Esto no es ningún negocio. Es divertido!! Bueno, este post 100 también me lo gozo! Disfruten los enlaces de algunos de mis posts favoritos!!

Uno Mas

Yo Quiero

Frustracion De Machismo


La Belleza De La Sabiduria

Starbucks Parte I

Starbucks Parte II

101 Cosas Sobre Mi

Un Poco Desnuda Ante Mis Palabras

Dominicana Soy...


This is post number 100 on this blog!!!

I can't believe it! I must confess that for a while there was skeptiscism from my part wether I could keep this space opened and active without feeling the temptation to shut it down or abandon it. And it hasn't happened! This blog has becomed something that I simply cannot leave. It's my space and I know that there's plenty around who fight with keeping theirs opened. The truth is that I could say that my secret is that I like it. I like my blog. I like it perhaps more than my readers like it. Before this blog I had another public one, but that one was pure anguish. I think I had the wrong idea of what it meant to have a blog, and besides I was too aware of the reaction of the reader, I had too much in mind what the reader would think about me. Now, I only have to offer what I want to offer, exactly in the manner in which I choose to offer it, haha!
No pressure whatsoever. This is not a business. It's fun!! Well, I'm also enjoying this 100th post! Enjoy the links of some of my favorite posts!!

One More

I Want


The Beauty Of Wisdom

Whenever I Feel

101 Things About Me

A Frustrated Reflection On An Ayn Rand Interview

New York, New York!

A Strange Day

My Soul Friend

Starbucks Part 2 (English Narrative)

Relacionado con las series de Starbucks. Las puedes encontrar en este link.

For the following days she couldn't get that man off her mind. She imagined how he would respond to different things. She asked him questions and answered them for him. She fancied the idea of having this man in her life be a new special somebody. But she struggled with bringing it all to reality. She couldn't deal with this amazing feeling. She had to, in some way, quiet it down, tone it down. But she made his whole personality up from then on, expecting to be dissapointed the next time she saw him. Expecting him to be a product of her imagination, and then being relieved, that she wouldn't have to go through falling in love. She was terrified of it. She knew she had no limits after then, but now she had the power of witholding it all.

He thought of her, plenty. Laughed at the things that had amused him about her personality. He thought of how secured she was, but how carelessly she let her vulnerabilty be displayed right in front of his eyes. It was to him, like discovering a diamond that had been shining right under people's noses and they never noticed it. He wanted to be the man that would sweep her off her feet. In fact, he was almost sure that he would be that man. And he was confident in that fact. So confident that he had the audacity to not show up the following Sunday.

She waited, anxious. Waited. Waited a bit longer. He never showed. She was dissapointed, but then she was happy. She thought that he was not worth her time, not even as a friend. She was glad of this disappointment. All her life she expected people to fail to their commitments. She was fearless. Expected nothing. Received nothing. She sheltered herself on her own ideas and beliefs. From time to time someone would impress her. But it wouldn't last long, and it was like another ball in the basket. She would score again. Say to herself: 'no one can be trusted'. However, the following Sunday, she showed up again, lying to herself. She did in fact have more important things to do. She said she would only stay 15 minutes, then 30, then 45. Two whole hours she read and had coffee. And just when she had been tired of looking at that door expecting that tall older man enter, the very thing happened.

He walked in and saw her. Walked straight to her, asked her if she was leaving. She affirmed, acting cool, nervous, almost in disbelief.

'You want to go for a walk?'
'Yes, where are you going?'

They walked, talked, and what happened will be told, when the narrator knocks on this door, walks through it and tells you something about these lives once again...

To be continued...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

For You......Te Vi Venir

I'm dedicating this song to a very special somebody who quickly entered my life and filled it with hope and faith in love again. Below will be my translation of the song, babe.

I don't even have you yet
and I'm already scared of losing you, love.
So quickly it has been thrust in me,
so deep is all this pain.
It's only a bit I know of you
and I'm already favoring you.
I'm not scared of betting on you,
losing you I'm terrified of.

I have no more shelter other than fantasy.
I have no more to do other than making a poem for you.

Because I saw you arrive
and I didn't doubt.
I saw you get here and I hugged you,
and I gave all my passion so that you stay.
And then I kissed you and I took a risk,
with the truth I caressed you,
and finally I opened my heart so that you pass by it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.

Now I will wait I few days to see
if what I gave you was enough.
You don't know how scary it feels,
waiting in the morning...
If you wouldn't want to come back anymore all sense of love would be lost.
I wouldn't understand this world anymore.
I would refrain from people.

I have no more shelter other than fantasy.
I have no more to do other than making a poem for you.

Because I saw you arrive
and I didn't doubt.
I saw you get here and I hugged you,
and I gave all my passion so that you stay.
And then I kissed you and I took a risk,
with the truth I caressed you,
and finally I opened my heart so that you pass by it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.

My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.

My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Soy Esa Mujer/I Am That Woman

La verdad es que cuando una mujer descubre su valor, no hay nada ni nadie que la pueda hacer desistir de obtener exactamente lo que desea. En todos los aspectos, ella exige lo mejor de sí misma y de los demás. Yo soy esa mujer. Nunca, nunca me había sentido tan mujer como ahora.

The truth is that when a woman discovers her worth, there's nobody, no obstacle that could ever stop her from getting exactly what she desires. In every aspect, she asks the best from herself and from others. I am that woman. Never, never have I felt more like a woman than now.

Video and photo: Jill Scott

Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo

Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo

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Multifaceted Blogger by Anel Vicente is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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