I'm dedicating this song to a very special somebody who quickly entered my life and filled it with hope and faith in love again. Below will be my translation of the song, babe.
I don't even have you yet
and I'm already scared of losing you, love.
So quickly it has been thrust in me,
so deep is all this pain.
It's only a bit I know of you
and I'm already favoring you.
I'm not scared of betting on you,
losing you I'm terrified of.
I have no more shelter other than fantasy.
I have no more to do other than making a poem for you.
Because I saw you arrive
and I didn't doubt.
I saw you get here and I hugged you,
and I gave all my passion so that you stay.
And then I kissed you and I took a risk,
with the truth I caressed you,
and finally I opened my heart so that you pass by it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.
Now I will wait I few days to see
if what I gave you was enough.
You don't know how scary it feels,
waiting in the morning...
If you wouldn't want to come back anymore all sense of love would be lost.
I wouldn't understand this world anymore.
I would refrain from people.
I have no more shelter other than fantasy.
I have no more to do other than making a poem for you.
Because I saw you arrive
and I didn't doubt.
I saw you get here and I hugged you,
and I gave all my passion so that you stay.
And then I kissed you and I took a risk,
with the truth I caressed you,
and finally I opened my heart so that you pass by it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.
My love I gave without condition so that you stay in it.
Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life
Sunday, October 11, 2009
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Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo
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