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1. I am extremely passionate about pretty much everything I do.
2. I love watching The Bachelorette.
3. I criticize how melodramatic most novelas are.
4. I don't like to follow the crowd.
5. I eat rice every day and plátanos every other day.
6. I've never lived in my country as an adult.
7. I love New York.
8. I've only been in love once.
9. I always have something on my mind about what I'd like to do. For example, two weeks ago I decided that I wanted to learn Portuguese and this week I've decided that when my time comes to have a baby, I'll have a home birth with a midwife.
10. I love art.
11. I'm planning on buying an expensive camera to take beautiful pictures.
12. I don't like girly things, specially extremely pink things.
13. Secretly, I think I'm superwoman.
14. I work on my flaws all the time, even really small ones.
15. I love observing and figuring out people.
16. I used to be suicidal (7 years ago)
17. Somehow I am an odd super passionate about God and modern Christian.
18. Everybody who believes in me is not a sibling of mine.
19. I am crazy about men, but extremely conservative.
20. When I went to visit my favorite college, the friends I made showed me to make peanut butter and banana sandwich. I thought it was disgusting. Now I love it!
21. I only have one true friend and she lives in Orlando.
22. I could make someone fall in love with me with words.
23. I could hurt someone terribly with words.
24. I am extremely loyal.
25. When I can't sleep at night I find myself watching late night national television. You'd think I'd like Letterman or Leno, but I prefer Kimmel and lately Fallon. I don't know if that makes me old. My brother says it does.
26. I'm considering on becoming a Psychotherapist, partly because I love In Treatment.
27. I reserve parts of me to different people.
28. I mean 95% of what I say.
29. I used to believe in Communism.
30. I watch more movies than anyone I know. Here's prove.
31. I have like 10 private blogs about my relationship with God, my personal poetry, my rantings with my best friend and a lot of other stuff.
32. I love to meet interesting people.
33. I talk about everybody's blogs with my friend.
34. I hate hypocrisy.
34. I procrastinate a lot or not procrastinate at all, depending on my life's circumstances.
35. Way too many times I find that people are bothered by all the different things I like and know about.
36. I have two nieces and one little cousin. They are showing me the kind of mother I'll be one day.
37. I don't believe I could live in another place other than New York.
38. Sometimes I would have crushes on movie characters, and really unexpected ones too, like Paulie Bleeker in Juno.
39. Sometimes I am extremely intimidated by people and then find that they are nothing like I thought.
40. I've broken up with friends.
41. Sometimes I confuse people that want to befriend me with people that want me to be their personal therapist and call me their 'best friend'.
42. I have a tendency to believe in people more than they believe in themselves.
43. Once I had a chance to be introduced as a notable Dominican writer in New York and turned it down.
44. I was offered to be Sub-Director of a new Theater Company and abandoned it.
45. I don't accept disrespect from anybody.
46. Once I saw a guy on the train trying to rob a girl and felt like I could take him.
47. I'm scared of love.
48. In the social sense I appear to be a super strong confident independent woman. On the inside I'm the most sensible girl you could ever meet.
49. I'm not good at jokes but could joke around all day when I'm at ease.
50. I hate how sex driven the world has become.
51. The only cartoons I've ever liked are Tom and Jerry, and as an adult Veggietales.
52. I love manliness, but hate sexism.
53. I could write an extremely long book about all the episodes of my life.
54. I'm not who I used to be.
55. I met Junot Diaz before Oscar Wao and made him re-sign my autograph because I thought it was too common and I'm not common. He laughed a bunch with me and wrote: To My Villa Consuelo sister. Keep throwing stones. Tu eres tremenda. Never change.
56. I measure the quality of someone's life by how sensible they are about really important things.
57. I loved Sex and the City. (What? Girl talk and New York? What's not to like!)
58. When I was a teen, my favorite hobby was prank calling.
59. I used to not sleep in my sophomore year of High School because I was on the phone all night with my first boyfriend. My mom began disconnecting the phone every night at 10pm and my second boyfriend had to suffer the consequences.
60. I love my long nails but hate to paint them unless it's a french.
61. My hair naturally changes color from dark, to brown, to blonde. I don't know what I am!
62. I have a singing frustration.
63. I love children.
64. One day I will go rock climbing, skydiving and bungee jumping.
65. I love roller coasters.
66. I decided to read the Bible on my own and it has been the most deep, funny, inspiring and adventurous book I've ever read.
67. I'm concerned about other people's motives and my own.
68. In a way, I am a combination of all the blogs I like to read.
69. I am very easy to talk to and very hard to understand. Few people have actually tried to figure me out and never succeeded. My best friend effortlessly does.
70. My favorite color is yellow.
71. I love it when a man says my name.
72. I'm writing a book about the contradiction between Christian growth and church involvement.
73. I don't like profanity, but am okay with sensuality.
74. I used to drink beer occasionally then all of a sudden became alcohol intolerant. I hate that I can't even drink champagne.
75. I wish I could learn how to bake.
76. I flunked two years of High School because of depression and then graduated with honors.
77. My younger brother resents me for things I did to him when we were children. I felt extremely guilty and had to learn to let it go.
78. I love good conversations.
79. I love good laughs.
80. The first thing I want to say when I wake up is: Thank you God.
81. Sometimes I wish I was extremely ignorant.
82. I'm nearsighted.
83. I used to hate coffee, then worked in a restaurant and learned to make all different kinds. Now I love coffee.
84. Many times I dreamt of the existence of a secret door that would take me to Santo Domingo and Back to New York in the blink on an eye. I keep dreaming :D
85. This list was inspired by another one I read.
86. All the chances I didn't take were because I felt like people were keeping me in a box to make me one thing and that felt hypocritical.
87. I've learned to appreciate modeling because my best friend is a model.
88. I love Oprah and have a subscription to O.
89. I read PostSecret every Sunday but have never sent a secret.
90. I plan on going back to my high school and teach there because it's the only all-Hispanic public high school in New York.
91. I love how I know all the good things that people that passed through my life have left me.
92. A picture can make me cry.
93. Sometimes I feel like I'm betraying my culture by living so American.
94. I pride myself in that I supported Obama when no one I knew even knew who he was.
95. Writing these 101 things was incredibly easy.
96. I'm scared of driving.
97. I have a fake MySpace to check out people's profiles and pictures. I don't like MySpace.
98. I like that no one who has met me has ever forgotten me.
99. I have no idea how I'm going to translate this list.
100. I love silence.
101. One day I'll take over the world! (Yeah, right!)
I encourage all my readers to write 101 things about them!
Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo
All Rights Reserved/Todos Los Derechos Reservados

Multifaceted Blogger by Anel Vicente is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
All pictures on this blog have been taken from Google. If they aren't, they will be expressed in the MultiPictures/MultiFotos labels. Those are of my possesion and cannot be distributed, published, altered or taken without my written consent.
About The Author
- Ahi E' Que Prende
- Blogs Dominicanos
- Ciguapa In NY
- Desde Adentro
- En La Busqueda De Avalon
- Great Movies
- Half Beautiful
- Hoy He Visto Algo Raro
- Hoy Soporto
- ILL Doctrine
- Majarete.com
- Oh Noumi!
- Oompa Loompa
- Planeta Atabex
- Platanos Baratos
- PostSecret
- PostSecret Espanol
- PostSecret France
- The Rest Is Still Unwritten
- Themys Brito
- MultiArt (4)
- MultiArte (6)
- MultiBeginnings (7)
- MultiCelebraciones (7)
- MultiCelebrations (7)
- MultiDinero (1)
- MultiEscritos (46)
- MultiFiccion (5)
- MultiFiction (4)
- MultiFotos (11)
- MultiInicios (7)
- MultiLife (35)
- MultiLiteratura (3)
- MultiLiterature (2)
- MultiMoney (1)
- MultiPersonal (28)
- MultiPictures (8)
- MultiPoesia (9)
- MultiPoetry (10)
- MultiPolitica (3)
- MultiPolitics (3)
- MultiPostSecret (12)
- MultiTelevision (11)
- MultiVida (32)
- MultiWriting (48)
Apero! =D
Pondre algo parecido en mi blog...
Hey, eso de herir las personas con palbras..
Es lgo que puedo hacer muy bien tambien xD
I love silence... a whole lot and I also read postsecret and collect the ones I identify myself with. Too much info I guess but true.
Noumi~ Chévere! Hazlo y si quieres invita a más personas a hacerlo. Lo encuentro muy interesante y de cierta manera baja un poquito esta pared gigantesca del mundo virtual. Gracias por pasar. Saludos.
Suzette~ I collect the ones I identify myself with too. Not too much information. We're only two of thousands that do the same thing. Ummm, you didn't just read the same post in both languages, right? I hope not!
isnt it weird that u break up with friends??? its like u were dating... and actually break up.... so strange... ive done it... it sucks horribly. almost worse than a dating breakup.
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