At night, when I should be falling asleep, I find myself painting the world as the happiest place ever seen. I wake up all happy believing that my dream came true. I don't tell anyone, but I suspect that one day it'll be that way. I won't take anything less than exactly the way I've imagined it. I suspect that life is enjoyable only when you know who you are and what you want. I think I do :D and everything I've done to achieve this moment has all been worth it!
una cuestion? la picture is you...
sorry por mi spanglish solo por molestar....
Hahaha, ta bien el spanglish, todo se acepta aqui.
No, la picture no soy yo, se parece a mi?
Y si, sueño mucho!
jeje en realidad no se si se parece no te conozco personal...
si sueñas mucho duermes poco..
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