Como siempre, lo primero empieza con la ninez. Todo ser humano recibe su primera informacion de su nucleo familiar. Se puede decir que la mayoria de las personas terminan teniendo el mismo tipo de relacion que tuvieron sus padres. Una de las causas por las que las relaciones de hoy en dia rompen es por la manera en que fueron educados en casa. Si al hombre se le educa que la mujer es quien debe de cuidar de la casa y los ninos, y la pareja que este elije no fue educada asi, entonces este es un problema obvio que llevara la pareja al rompimiento, a menos que exista un cambio drastico en el comportamiento de ambos.
Una de las cosas mas preocupantes en buscar pareja en estos tiempos es que la mayoria de las personas buscan mas conveniencia que amor. Hoy en dia las personas se casan por dinero, por sexo, por posicion, por situaciones legales, y aveces hasta por obligacion o chantaje. Casi nadie quiere amor o una persona con quien envejecer.
Ademas de esto, muchas personas no comprenden que se necesita madurez para poder lograr una relacion estable. Ambas personas deben saber quienes son y lo que quieren en la vida; y aun despues de esta definicion, se debe comprender que una relacion necesita trabajo, necesita cultivarse diariamente y necesita madurar con el tiempo.
Es una pena que no existan mas relaciones duraderas y felices hoy en dia. Este es el principal causante de tantas personas que carecen de amor propio y muchas otras carencias que debieron ser cultivadas en un hogar estable. Mi consejo a las personas que busquen amor es que primero que todo esten seguros de lo que quieren en la vida, y que esperen lo mas posible hasta encontrar a la persona correcta. De otra manera se estuvieran condenando a vivir toda su vida con personas incompatibles y forjar hogares sobre bases equivocadas.
I was talking to a coworker today about how hard it is nowadays to find a special someone. We agreed that most people today prefer to have short-term relationships, pure physical attraction and no compatibility or intimacy. The people that get to have a special relationship are very few, and sometimes the possibility of it not lasting arises due to different motives. As a result of this conversation I felt like exploring what happens to most relationships nowadays.
As always, it begins with childhood. All human beings receive their first information from their family core. It could be said that most people end up having the same type of relationships as their parents. One of the causes for which today's relationships end is because of the way they were raised. If a man is taught that the woman is the one that should take care of the house and the kids, and the woman he chooses wasn't raised this way, then this will be an obvious conflict that will lead them to part ways, unless there is a major change in the behavior of both.
One of the most preoccupying things in looking for a mate in these times is that most people look for more convenience than love. Today people marry for money, sex, position, legal situations, and sometimes for obligation or bribe. Almost no one desires love or someone to grow old with.
Besides this, many people don't understand that they need maturity in order to create a stable relationship. Both people must know who they are and what they want in life; and even after being well-defined they must understand that a relationship needs work, it needs to be cultivated daily and it needs to mature with time.
It's a shame that there are no more lasting and happy relationships nowadays. This is the principal cause why so many people lack self love, and many other lacks that should have been cultivated in a stable home. My advice to people that are looking for love is to first of all know what they want out of life, and wait as long as possible until they find the right someone. On the contrary, they would be comdeming themselves to live with incompatible people and build homes on wrong foundations.
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