Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life

Visitame Donde Estoy! Visit Me Where I am!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

El Tiempo De Benjamin Button Y El Mio Unidos

I was watching The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button and for a while I felt as if time had stopped. I watched and could only think and feel all the limitations that time puts on us but also all the limitiations we put on ourselves to then blame time. It is something that we cannot escape from. Nothing remains the same. Everything changes and even if we wanted time to go backwards, it would still have to change. We can never remain, and sometimes we feel as if we're losing with it's passing. But there's no loss. Time keeps running and it finds itself back in the same place, but only by itself, because we have moved on. It is time, and not us, who pities itself in watching us born and live, and grow and die. Because time cannot live, and it is us who live. It is us who have the chance to enjoy every breath and every second that there's air to breath and every minute that there's an eye to look at everything that has been given us by God. I could not be or feel merrier to live, merrier to breath, and merrier to look. I could not feel merrier to grow old, because I have this thing, this experience, these memories, these feelings that I can go back and live, and remember, and feel, because it is I and not time that has the power to do it. I hold it in my hands and decide what to do with it and what not to do...

Estaba viendo
El Caso Curioso De Benjamin Button y por un momento senti como si el tiempo se hubiese detenido. Lo vi, y solo podia pensar y sentir todas las limitaciones que el tiempo nos pone, y tambien las limitaciones que nos ponemos a nosotros mismos para luego culpar al tiempo. Es algo de lo que no podemos escapar. Nada permanece igual. Todo cambia y aun si quisieramos retornar, las cosas aun deben cambiar. Nunca logramos permanecer, y aveces sentimos que perdemos con su paso. Pero no existe perdida. El tiempo sigue corriendo y se encuentra en el mismo lugar, pero por si solo, porque hemos continuado. Es el tiempo y no nosotros quien se averguenza de si mismo en vernos nacer y vivir, crecer y morir. Porque el tiempo no puede vivir; nosotros vivimos. Somos nosotros quienes tenemos la oportunidad de disfrutar cada suspiro, y cada segundo que existe el aire para respirar, y cada minuto que existen ojos para mirar todas las cosas que nos han sido dadas por Dios. No podria ser y sentirme mas feliz por vivir, por respirar, por mirar. No podria sentirme mas feliz por envejecer, porque tengo esta cosa, esta experiencia, estos recuerdos, estos sentimientos a los que puedo volver y vivirlos, y recordar, y sentir. Porque soy yo y no el tiempo quien tiene el poder para hacerlo. Lo tomo en mis manos y decido que hacer con el y que no hacer...

Me Gusta Envejevecer.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Si logramos que la gente ame la educacion, entonces ellos aprenderan a educarse a si mismos.

If we can get people to love education, then they will learn to educate themselves.

Hambre de saber, hambre de aprender, hambre de hacer, hambre de SER.

Hunger of knowledge, hunger of learning, hunger of doing, hunger of BEING.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

El Quille

I titled this picture 'el quille'(dominican slang word used to describe when someone's upset about something) because my brother and cousin got mad at each other one day we were out. The reason was because my cousin wanted my brother to take his picture and he repeatedly expressed it. My brother got upset and said: take it yourself! And then my cousin got upset and that almost cost us not going out at all.

I thought that this argument was really stupid but last night I had to correct myself because I wanted my cousin to take my picture and he wouldn't take it right away. I got sooo upset and left him. Now I understand why they were both upset and I apologize for making fun of them.

Titule esta foto 'El Quille' por un dia que salimos y mi hermano y mi primo se quillaron. La razon fue porque mi primo queria que mi hermano le tirara una foto y se lo repitio varias veces. Mi hermano se quillo y le dijo: tiratela tu mismo! Y entonces mi primo se quillo y ese quille casi nos cuesta la salida.

Pense que esa discusion fue una estupidez pero anoche tuve que corregirme a mi misma porque queria que mi primo me sacara una foto y el no estaba por hacerlo en ese momento. Me quille tanto que me fui y ni le dije mas na' hasta mas tarde. Ahora comprendo el quille de ambos y pido disculpas por burlarme de ellos.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Enmudecio la tristeza
y grito la felicidad
en un instante.
Fue tierno.
Fue dulce.
Fue celestial.
Enmudecio la nina
y grito la mujer.
Volvi a vivir
dejandome caer.
Cai como recien nacida
y fui mujer.
Enmudecio la duda
y grito la fe.

Sadness was muted
and happiness screamed
in a second.
It was gentle.
It was sweet.
It was heavenly.
The girl was muted
and the woman screamed.
I was alive again
letting myself fall.
I fell like a newborn
and became a woman.
Doubt was muted
and faith screamed.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Se Me Escaparon Las Palabras

Words ran away from my hands.
And having tried to catch them,
they still found a way to slip through my hands
and they found themselves in a subtle flight;
as if they were not running, but dancing in the air.
They slipped away and my thoughts were confused,
my heart was soaked in feelings that couldn't find a way to be expressed.
All my finger cells died
and my tongue remained asleep inside my mouth.
She wanted to say something
and I could only feel the nerves that keep her alive inside of me.
Words ran away from me,
and without them, I too, was lost.
I didn't know what else to say even if I wanted to.
I was invisible and I walked through a place that was pretty
but that I could not describe.
I had hasty feelings with which I couldn't write a poem,
and my head was frustrated once again
because they not only run away from me,
but they come back and they leave when they want to,
like they just left, leaving these verses that are not worth anything.

Se me escaparon las palabras de las manos
y por mas que intente atraparlas se deslizaban por mis manos
y encontraban de una manera muy sutil su vuelo;
como si no estuviesen corriendo, sino haciendo una baile en el aire.
Se me escaparon y mis pensamientos se confundieron,
mi corazon quedo empapado de sentimientos que no encontraban
la manera de expresarse.
Se murieron todas las celulas de mis dedos
y mi lengua quedo dormida dentro de mi boca.
Ella me queria decir algo y yo solo sentia
los nervios que la mantienen viviendo dentro de mi.
Se me escaparon las palabras y con ellas yo me perdi.
Ya no supe que mas decir aunque queria.
Fui invisible y pase por un lugar muy bonito que no podia describir.
Tuve sentimientos disparados con los cuales no pude escribir un poema
y mi cabeza se frustro una vez mas, porque no solo se escapan,
sino que regresan y se van como quieren, como se acaban de ir,
justo cuando cesaron estos versos que no sirven para nada.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Foto from film Evening. De la pelicula Evening.

Yo quiero...
Y ser...
Aun si es...

I want to...
And be...
Even if it's...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

La Belleza De La Sabiduria

I admire the beauty of wisdom. Admiro la belleza de la sabiduria. From PostSecret France.

Several years ago I interviewed a woman who holds 4 PhD's. She has one in Political Science, one in Psychology, one in Law and one in Sociology. I learned a lot of things from her, many advices that granted me a lot of knowledge that I perhaps knew but that weren't solidified. Often, we may have ideas, realizations and things that make us reflect and change a bit the course of our lives. But if we haven't really lived that, we haven't dared, or we haven't met someone that has gone through that, then those reflections become something far and illusive. I asked this woman two questions that have stuck in my mind and I think will never leave me.

Do you regret anything?

I regret having payed more attention to my friends instead of older people. Because they may not seem smart or accurate, but they have something that you won't have: experience. And that is priceless.

What was the hardest thing you had to do?

The hardest thing I had to do was fail once and again in front of people. I failed because I wasn't prepared to climb that mountain; and I knew I would fail and the people knew it too. But I had to get up once again. I had to do it. I couldn't stop trying. I had to fall in front of them and get up again. And after so many failures, I conquered.

I beleive that experience speaks louder than anything learned, thought or felt. For example, I think love only grows when there's a history, when good and bad times have passed, because that is when the true character of the human being is shown.

I admire the people with experience in life. And I beleive there's wisdom in the smallest things. But the wise are not born, but made. A well lived life is one of the best guides to learn how to live. But I should also say that each one of us has experience and that as young and innocent as someone may look, they always have something to contribute. I think that my 4 year old niece has taught me more than my older sister has. We should also be aware of life's lessons. I think that God has made me more sensible to what's in front of me. And noticing things is worth more than a thousand untamable emotions that lack any sense.

Hace unos anos le hice una entrevista a una mujer que tiene 4 doctorados; uno en Ciencias Politicas, otro en Psicologia, otro en Leyes y otro en Sociologia. Aprendi muchas cosas de ella, muchos consejos que me dieron mucha sabiduria que tal vez sabia pero que aun no estaban consolidadas. Muchas veces podemos tener ideas, pensamientos y cosas que nos hacen refleccionar y cambiar poco a poco el curso de nuestras vidas. Pero si realmente no hemos vivido eso, no nos hemos atrevido, o no hemos conocido a alguien que haya pasado por eso, entonces esas reflecciones se vuelven algo lejano y fantasioso. A esta mujer le hice dos preguntas que se me han quedado en la mente y creo que jamas me abandonaran, y aqui estan:

De que cosa te arrepientes mas que nada?

De haberle prestado menos atencion a las personas mayores que yo y mas atencion a mis amigos, porque por mas tonta o equivocada que parezca una persona, siempre tendra algo que tu no tendras: experiencia. Y eso, eso no tiene precio.

Que fue lo mas duro que tuviste que soportar?

Lo mas duro fue tener que fallar una y otra vez delante de la gente. Falle porque no estaba preparada para derribar esas barreras, y sabia que iba a fallar, y la gente tambien lo sabia. Pero tenia que levantarme una vez mas, tenia que hacerlo, no podia parar de tratar. Tenia que caer delante de ellos y volverme a levantar, hasta que despues de tantos fracasos, venci.

Creo que la experiencia habla mas que cualquier cosa que se pueda aprender, pensar o sentir. Por ejemplo, pienso que el amor solo crece cuando existe esa historia, esa experiencia de haber pasado por buenas y por malas situaciones porque ahi es que se demuestra el verdadero caracter del ser humano.

Admiro a la gente que tiene experiencia en las cosas de la vida y pienso que existe sabiduria en las mas pequenas de las cosas. Pero el sabio no es, sino que se hace. Una vida bien vivida es una de las mejores guias para aprender a vivir. Pero siempre hay que reconocer que cada uno de nosotros tambien tenemos experiencia y que por mas joven o 'inexperimentado' que parezca alguien siempre tiene algo que aportar. Creo que mi sobrina de 4 anos me ha ensenado mas cosas que lo que he aprendido de mi hermana mayor. Tambien hay que estar atento a las lecciones de la vida. Creo que Dios me ha hecho mas susceptible a lo que esta frente a mi y el darse cuenta de las cosas vale mas que miles de emociones descontroladas y carentes de sentido.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Talking Nutin'

Estaba conversando con un amigo, o mejor dicho discutiendo sobre cosas que no puedo plasmar aqui pero que me puso a pensar. Es necesario recordar las cosas negativas de una persona cuando las positivas tienen mucho peso? Creo que uno no se debe dejar cegar o emocionar por eventos negativos y descartar de paso todos los positivos. A mi me parece que no le hace bien a nadie recordar las cosas que no estan bien de una persona que sabes que no va a cambiar. Gracias a Dios que hoy en dia puedo ver mi vida como una gran leccion y no una excusa para quejarme de lo que fulanito y fulanita me hicieron. Todos tenemos defectos, pero cuantos de nosotros pasamos mucho tiempo pensando en esos defectos? Creo que debemos cuestionar cada una de nuestras criticas. No es bueno andar por ahi echandole sal a la herida y pensar que porque una persona nos haya hecho un mal, ya todo el bien que puede tener esa persona no existe. Aveces me frustra mucho la manera de hablar de la gente. Es como si su boca fuese un miembro incontrolable y no saben ni les importa lo que estan diciendo.

"Hay que darse un bano de tumba. Y desde la tierra cerrada mirar hacia arriba el orgullo. Entonces se aprende a medir, se aprende hablar, se aprende a ser." Pablo Neruda

Quien sea que me haya hecho un bien. Me hizo un bien y punto.

I was talking to a friend, or better said, arguing about things that I can't write here but that got me thinking. Is it necessary to remember the negative things about somebody when the positive ones are more valuable? I think that we should not be blinded or get over-irritated by negative events and disregard the positve ones. It seems to me that is not good for anybody to remember the things that are not good about someone that you know won't change. Thank God that today I can look at my life as a big lesson and not an excuse to complain about what so and so did to me. We all have imperpections. But how many of us spend much time thinking about them? I think that we should question each one of our criticisms. It's not good to go around throwing salt on the wound and think that if someone has hurt us then all the good that that person may have does not exist. Sometimes I'm frustrated by the way people talk. It's as if their mouth was an untamable member and they don't know or care about what they're saying.

"From time to time and far away, a bath of tomb must be had. And from the sealed earth look at pride upwards. Then it is learnt to measure, to speak, to be." Pablo Neruda

Whoever did good to me, they did good to me period.

Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo

Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo

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Multifaceted Blogger by Anel Vicente is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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