And having tried to catch them,
they still found a way to slip through my hands
and they found themselves in a subtle flight;
as if they were not running, but dancing in the air.
They slipped away and my thoughts were confused,
my heart was soaked in feelings that couldn't find a way to be expressed.
All my finger cells died
and my tongue remained asleep inside my mouth.
She wanted to say something
and I could only feel the nerves that keep her alive inside of me.
Words ran away from me,
and without them, I too, was lost.
I didn't know what else to say even if I wanted to.
I was invisible and I walked through a place that was pretty
but that I could not describe.
I had hasty feelings with which I couldn't write a poem,
and my head was frustrated once again
because they not only run away from me,
but they come back and they leave when they want to,
like they just left, leaving these verses that are not worth anything.
Se me escaparon las palabras de las manos
y por mas que intente atraparlas se deslizaban por mis manos
y encontraban de una manera muy sutil su vuelo;
como si no estuviesen corriendo, sino haciendo una baile en el aire.
Se me escaparon y mis pensamientos se confundieron,
mi corazon quedo empapado de sentimientos que no encontraban
la manera de expresarse.
Se murieron todas las celulas de mis dedos
y mi lengua quedo dormida dentro de mi boca.
Ella me queria decir algo y yo solo sentia
los nervios que la mantienen viviendo dentro de mi.
Se me escaparon las palabras y con ellas yo me perdi.
Ya no supe que mas decir aunque queria.
Fui invisible y pase por un lugar muy bonito que no podia describir.
Tuve sentimientos disparados con los cuales no pude escribir un poema
y mi cabeza se frustro una vez mas, porque no solo se escapan,
sino que regresan y se van como quieren, como se acaban de ir,
justo cuando cesaron estos versos que no sirven para nada.
No hay nada que reviva que las palabras.
No hay nada que mate mas que las palabras ^^
Yo creo que solo se te escondieron.. Ya volveran, lo verás.
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