Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

En Honor A Christopher McCandless

Because his life has left a question so deep inside of the most intimate part of me. Because I feel like I have found another teacher that even with his flaws could fully understand what's going on inside me. Because pretty or witty thoughts are nothing if they can't change the way we look at things. And because he deserves not only to be remembered, but learnt.

Porque su vida ha dejado una pregunta en lo más profundo e íntimo de mi. Porque siento que he encontrado a otro maestro que aun con sus defectos puede comprender plenamente lo que sucede dentro de mí. Porque los pensamientos bonitos o sabios no significan nada si no logran cambiar la manera en que vemos las cosas. Y porque él no solamente se merece ser recordado sino aprendido.


Christopher McCandless

Into The Wild (Film)

Into The Wild (Book)

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