Winter arrived and with it came many frustrations. The cold streets complained. The people would hide behind a world of rags. The streets were often silenced. Everything screams silence, sadness, solitude. Laughs ended and the music stopped sounding like summer. The autumm faded away the remaining beauties, and the souls of lovers would lie upon frozen awakenings. It was harder for the homeless to find bread, and the memories would depress the guitars and each one of the musical cords.
"Don't leave"
She said with desperation, pretending not to sound so scared. He didn't answer. He was convinced that if he didn't speak, she would not ask him any more.
"Look at me"
She said, trying to find a way to get him to stay. She was beautiful and gentle. Her hair was long and brown. Her eyes were dark, big and expressive. She would look at him as if her eyes could translate the language of her begging soul. She was sitting on the bed naked, covering herself with white sheets, looking at the man that had made love to her getting dressed without caring for more. Her eyes were reddened and invaded by huge and heavy tears, just like her soul. He, after getting dressed, told her he would leave with his eyes fixed on the door. She pushed the sheets away, got on his way, and begged him again.
"Look at me"
His eyes were now fixed on the floor, and it was as if he suspected what would happen if he glanced his eyes at her. Until he was obliged by the situation, and he looked at her, and his eyes were weakened on her. He caressed her face, closed his eyes, and joining his forehead with hers he exhaled.
"I can't stay" he whispered.
"Then show me you want to stay" she said putting his hands on her waist.
His face became cold like snow. His eyes ceased to be weakened by the presence of the woman he loved, and spoke harshly.
"Understand this: I'm leaving. It's already winter and I have no more excuses to stay with you." She cried with a great cry. He would fight with the desire of hugging her.
"We should've left when we could. We should've married, and live the life you pretend to live with that woman."
She looked at him sadly and said: "I love you".
She kissed him with passion and gentleness. She asked him if he loved her and he affirmed. After a long, sweet kiss. He closed the door of that place leaving a poor woman in tears.
He abandoned once more the woman he loved. And his heart became frozen in the raw winter. He kissed other lips mechanically. And drowned himself in his religious routine. While she was burned by the love that tormented her, she would dedicate herself to painting murals from her heart, that burned in fire and waited. She waited for a man that loved her but that was too much of a coward to make it count for something. He drowned in the winter, and she burned his heart from affar, even if as a result of the cold, he couldn't perceive she kept it beating.
I think that the most beautiful thing that a woman can have is that no matter how hard life hits her, she never stops being that little girl. She never stops dreaming and she never stops loving.
Llego el invierno y con el llegaron muchos pesares. Las calles frias se quejaban. La gente se escondia detras de un mundo de trapos. Las calles eran mas silenciosas. Todo grita silencio, tristeza, soledad. Se acabaron las risas y la misma musica dejo de sonar a verano. El otono se acabo de llevar las ultimas bellezas, y el alma de los amantes se recuesta sobre amaneceres helados. Les cuesta mas trabajo a los desamparados comerse un pan, y los recuerdos amargan las guitarras y deprimen cada una de las cuerdas musicales.
"No te vallas"
Le dijo con cierta desesperacion, pretendiendo no sonar tan asustada. El no le contesto. Se habia convencido de que si no hablaba entonces ella no le preguntaria mas.
le dijo, queriendo de alguna manera conseguir que se quedara. Ella era hermosa y tierna. Su pelo era largo y marron, sus ojos color cafe, grandes y expresivos. Lo miraba como si sus ojos pudiesen transmitir la suplica de su alma. Estaba sentada en la cama desnuda, cubriendose con las sabanas blancas, mirando al hombre que la habia hecho suya vestirse sin importarle nada mas. Sus ojos se enrojecieron y fueron invadidos por lagrimas grandes y pesadas, como su alma. El, despues que se vistio, le dijo que se marchaba con su mirada dirigida hacia la puerta. Ella se despojo de las sabanas, se metio en su camino, y volvio a suplicarle.
El tenia su mirada fija en el suelo, y era como si sospechara lo que pasaria si se asomaba a mirarla. Hasta que obligado por la situacion la miro, y sus ojos quedaron prendidos en ella. Acaricio su cara, cerro los ojos y juntando su frente a la de ella suspiro.
"No puedo quedarme", le susurro.
"Entonces demuestrame que quieres quedarte" le dijo colocando sus manos en sus caderas.
Su rostro se volvio frio como la nieve. Sus ojos cesaron de flaquear ante la presencia de la mujer que amaba, y le hablo duramente.
"Comprende esto: Me voy. Ya es invierno y no tengo mas excusas para quedarme contigo".
Ella lloro con gran lamento. El luchaba con el deseo de abrazarla.
"Debimos marcharnos cuando pudimos. Debimos casarnos, y vivir la vida que pretendes tener con esa."
Lo miro tristemente y le dijo:"Yo te amo."
Lo beso con pasion y ternura. Le pregunto si la amaba, y el se lo afirmo. Despues de un largo y tierno beso, cerro la puerta de aquel lugar dejando a una pobre mujer en lagrimas.
El abandono una vez mas a la mujer que amaba y su corazon se congelo con el crudo invierno. Beso otros labios mecanicamente y se sumergio en su diosa rutina. Mientras que ella se quemaba por el amor que la atormentaba. Se dedicaba a pintar cuadros de su corazon, que ardia en llamas, y esperaba. Esperaba a un hombre que la amaba, pero muy cobarde para hacer ese amor valer. El se ahogo en el invierno y ella quemaba su corazon desde lejos, y aunque el no lo percibia a causa del frio, ella lo mantenia latiendo.
Creo que lo mas lindo que puede tener la mujer es que por mas duro que le de la vida nunca deja de ser nina, nunca deja de sonar y nunca deja de amar.