From this day this blog is going to be broken into two. No. Not close. This blog will remain. I will still use it, but exclusively to the times when I want to translate something. I have to confess that it became a lot of work for me having to translate everything I wrote or feeling as if I had to. Well, I really wanted to, but it became too much. Especially now that I'm taking so many classes and I'm really focused on my career and education. There's not a lot of time for blogging. But yes, this space remains. But now there will be two more, so really, there is is gaining for everyone. Just go to your preferred language. I hope you guys enjoy them!
De este dia en adelante este blog sera partido en dos. No. No sera cerrado. Este blog continuara. Aun lo seguire usando pero exclusivamente a las ocasiones en las que quiera traducir algo. Debo confesar que se convirtio en mucho trabajo el tener que traducir todo lo que escribia, o al menos, sentia como si deberia hacerlo. Bueno, la verdad es que deseaba hacerlo, pero se convirtio en mucho trabajo. Ahora estoy tomando demasiadas clases en la universidad y estoy realmente enfocada en mis estudios y carrera. No hay mucho tiempo para bloguear. Pero si, este espacio continua. Ahora habran dos, asi que realmente es ganancia para todos. Solo ve a tu idioma de preferencia. Espero que los disfruten!
Los Multicaminos de la vida / The Multiways of life
Monday, April 5, 2010
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Amanecer en Santo Domingo/Sunrise in Santo Domingo
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Multifaceted Blogger by Anel Vicente is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
All pictures on this blog have been taken from Google. If they aren't, they will be expressed in the MultiPictures/MultiFotos labels. Those are of my possesion and cannot be distributed, published, altered or taken without my written consent.
About The Author
- Ahi E' Que Prende
- Blogs Dominicanos
- Ciguapa In NY
- Desde Adentro
- En La Busqueda De Avalon
- Great Movies
- Half Beautiful
- Hoy He Visto Algo Raro
- Hoy Soporto
- ILL Doctrine
- Oh Noumi!
- Oompa Loompa
- Planeta Atabex
- Platanos Baratos
- PostSecret
- PostSecret Espanol
- PostSecret France
- The Rest Is Still Unwritten
- Themys Brito
- MultiArt (4)
- MultiArte (6)
- MultiBeginnings (7)
- MultiCelebraciones (7)
- MultiCelebrations (7)
- MultiDinero (1)
- MultiEscritos (46)
- MultiFiccion (5)
- MultiFiction (4)
- MultiFotos (11)
- MultiInicios (7)
- MultiLife (35)
- MultiLiteratura (3)
- MultiLiterature (2)
- MultiMoney (1)
- MultiPersonal (28)
- MultiPictures (8)
- MultiPoesia (9)
- MultiPoetry (10)
- MultiPolitica (3)
- MultiPolitics (3)
- MultiPostSecret (12)
- MultiTelevision (11)
- MultiVida (32)
- MultiWriting (48)